
A Few Games started as a simple blog & collection website. I enjoyed the idea of sharing my game collection, but quickly after building the initial version, I wanted to share my (at the time) private database of video game print data, not just the specific games I own.

Fast forward to today, the site has switched to a public & open source database, but with a secondary blog component. My passion is still to share the interesting & enjoyable history of physical video games.

In other words, I want to answer questions like: What is the distinct chronology of a physical game's printing? What signifiers do publishers exercise when revising games? How scarce are these different print variants?

Finally, where do you, the reader/contributor, fit into this? As mentioned above, the database is fully open source. You can view both the raw data and code at the GitHub repository. I aim to facilitate an environment where folks can help build a free, accessible, and transparent resource, together.

Thanks for reading and I hope to see you around!

PS: Do you want to see the games I own? I have an Instagram for that! I'd love to see your games too. Thanks if you decide to give a follow. On a related note, sign up for occasional emails with updates on new blog posts and database additions. I promise not to spam you. ;)